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Regular Expression to find data between 2 hyphens in file names

I have a group of files with names of varying length in the format:,,,

I would like to strip off the first part of these filenames and remove everything up to and including the second -. I have attempted to go through PowerShell, but the Rename-Item -NewName only seems to be useful for removing the standardized portion of the name (e.g., aaaa-) and not the variable-length parts of the names.

Am I missing something in PowerShell or is there a better, easier way to perform this task?


  • There are a couple of ways to do this:

    1. '\d+': matches all numbers,
    2. '(?<=-).*?(?=-)': splits using - delimiter,
    3. str.split('-'): splits using - delimiter.



    import re
    s = ''
    nums = re.findall(r'\d+', s)[0]
    # nums = '12345'


    import re
    s = ''
    nums = re.findall('(?<=-).*?(?=-)', s)[0]
    # nums = '12345'


    import re
    s = ''
    nums = s.split('-')[1]
    # nums = '12345'