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How do I get zipcodes from longitude and latitude on python?

I have a data frame of latitude and longitude coordinates on this CSV file:Longlat.

I used this code to try to get the zipcodes:

import copy

def get_zipcode(df, geolocator, lat_field, lon_field):
    location = geolocator.reverse((df[lat_field], df[lon_field]))
    return location.raw['address']['postcode']

geolocator = geopy.Nominatim(user_agent='myusername') #My OpenMap username

zipcodes = longlat.apply(get_zipcode, axis=1, geolocator=geolocator, lat_field=longlat['LATITUDE_X'], lon_field=longlat['LONGITUDE_X'])

I got the error:

"None of [Float64Index([39.0962320000896, 39.1462010000896, 39.1347670000896,\n 39.1076250000897, 39.0928490000897, 39.1648900000896,\n 39.1846440000895, 39.0970790000897, 39.1491220000896,\n 39.1145560000896,\n ...\n 39.1039560000896,

How do I fix it?


  • import geopy
    import pandas as pd
    longlat = pd.read_csv("longlat.csv",encoding = 'utf-8', sep = '\t')
    geolocator = geopy.Nominatim(user_agent="check_1")
    def get_zip_code(x):
        location = geolocator.reverse("{}, {}".format(x['LATITUDE_X'],x['LONGITUDE_X']))
        return location.raw['address']['postcode']
    longlat['zipcode'] = longlat.head().apply(lambda x: get_zip_code(x), axis = 1)
       Unnamed: 0  LATITUDE_X  LONGITUDE_X     zipcode
    0      124148   39.096232   -84.653337  45233-4555
    1      124209   39.146201   -84.468843       45207
    2      125298   39.134767   -84.499079       45267
    3      125299   39.107625   -84.496675       45202
    4      125390   39.092849   -84.388332       45230