Is there a method to reset the mouse cursor icon behaviour to windows default?
When a long process running I'd like to show a waiting mouse cursor icon, and it gets the job done:
# Set the mouse cursor to wait cursor
# Long process start
# Long process end
#reset mouse cursor to default behaviour
The problem is when in the long process I run a method or event or whatever that also calls the setOverrideCursor:
# Set the mouse cursor to wait cursor
# Long process start
# In the long process theres a method or event or whatever that calls again the wait cursor
# and wait cursor becomes the overwritten mouse cursor
# Some code running...
# Long process end
# the restoreOverrideCursor() restores the wait cursor instead of the default mouse cursor behaviour
# and the mouse icon just spinning forever
I tried this, instead of restoreOverrideCursor():
but the problem it owerwrites every behaviour with arrow cursor, example window resize icon and so on.
Is there a way to restore the default mouse behaviour in PyQt5?
To ensure the default cursor is reset, you can do this:
while QApplication.overrideCursor() is not None:
This is needed because Qt maintains an internal stack of override cursors, and restoreOverrideCursor only undoes the last one.