I have an xml like below , am trying to convert the xml in to csv
<catalouge SC="25" item="200">
<Number id="250" RefIds="xyz20000">
<Character condValue="PRE">
<count Number="1" Name="Sree" changeMark="1">FOR A/C 0013, 0047, 0063</count>
<Character condValue="EMB">
<count Number="154" Name="Sree" changeMark="1">FOR A/C 0005-0010, 0021, 0025, 0033</count>
<catalouge SC="180" item="200" >
<Number id="780" RefIds="xyz20000">
<Character condValue="EMB">
<count Number="1" Name="AB">FOR A/C 0006-0011</count>
<Character condValue="EMB">
<count Number="154" Name="Sree" changeMark="1">FOR A/C 0013</count>
<catalouge SC="567" item="240">
<Number id="666" Value="123" RefIds="xyz20000">
<Character condValue="EMB">
<count Number="2" Name="SB">FOR A/C 0008-0013</count>
<Character condValue="PRE">
<count Number="1" Name="cherry" changeMark="1">FOR A/C 0018, 0047, 0063</count>
<catalouge SC="8" item="280">
<Number id="1994" Value="1234" RefIds="xyz20000" >
<Character condValue="POST">
<count Number="3" Name="Sree" changeMark="1">FOR A/C 0006, 0047, 0063, 0090, 0143, 0172</count>
My xquery is as below
for $p in doc("dar.xml")//module/content/catalouge
let $SC := $p/string(@SC)
let $item := $p/string(@item)
let $isns := $p/Number
for $isn in $isns
let $id := $isn/string(@id)
let $Ref := $isn/string(@RefIds)
let $chr := (for $x in $isn return string-join($x//Character//@condValue,", "))
let $chr_status := contains($chr, 'EMB')
**let $count := $isn/Character/data(count)
let $count_status := contains($chr, '0006')**
let $Num := $isn/Character/count/string(@Number)
let $sep :=";"
return (if($chr_status and $count_status)
then ()
I'm performing an and operation here if both status are true it should print nothing if it is false it should print some value. My Output should as below:
But here my issue is, the data which is present in count tag , has a sequence of values , How can I increment the range tokenize those and search for 0006 which returns a boolean value
<count Number="154" Name="Sree" changeMark="1">FOR A/C 0005-0012, 0021, 0025, 0033</count>
FOR A/C 0005-0012, 0021, 0025, 0033 which actually mean 0005 to 0012--> I have sequence 0005,0006,0007,0008,0009,0010,0011,0012,0021, 0025, 0033
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, Thanks!
This seems to be similar to your previous question, you can use tokenize
and the to
operator after removing the FOR A/C
|| ': '
|| (((
substring-after(., 'FOR A/C ') !
tokenize(., ', ') !
(let $tokens := tokenize(., '-')!xs:integer(.)
if ($tokens[2])
then ($tokens[1] to $tokens[2])
else $tokens[1])
! format-integer(., '0001')) = '0006')))
https://xqueryfiddle.liberty-development.net/94hwpi2/2 gives
FOR A/C 0013, 0047, 0063: false
FOR A/C 0005-0010, 0021, 0025, 0033: true
FOR A/C 0006-0011: true
FOR A/C 0013: false
FOR A/C 0008-0013: false
FOR A/C 0018, 0047, 0063: false
FOR A/C 0006, 0047, 0063, 0090, 0143, 0172: true