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Parameters KFunction in Kotlin

I have a class that has the type parameter KFunction<*> (It is understood that I will indicate the type of function that I want to work with in the future)

I want a class method to take the same parameters that KFunction has and call subscribers with those arguments. However, I don't know how to get the type of the function parameters. There are delegates in C #. How to do something like this in Kotlin?

My class:

class Event<Function: KFunction<*>> {
    val subscribers = mutableListOf<Function>()

    operator fun plus(increment: Function) {

    // i want arguments as KFunction
    operator fun invoke(args: ???) {
        subscribers.forEach { it(args) }

fun c(i: Int) {
    println("result of function c: $i")

fun main() {
    val event = Event<KFunction1<Int, Unit>>()
    event + ::c
    event(100) // passing arguments Int from KFunction1<Int, Unit>

Is there a way to implement my idea exactly like this?


  • It seems that the only normal solution to problem is to accept only 1 abstract type of parameters.

    class Event<ArgsT> {
        private val subscribers = mutableListOf<(ArgsT) -> Any>()
        operator fun plusAssign(increment: (ArgsT) -> Any) {
        operator fun invoke(params: ArgsT) {
            subscribers.forEach { it(params) }
    fun c(i: Int, b: Int) {
        println(i + b)
    data class Data(val i: Int, val b: Int)
    fun main() {
        val event = Event<Data>()
        event += { (i, b) -> c(i, b) } // pass arguments using a lambda
        event(Data(2, 5))