I have a React Native app where I want to upload some files using Axios.
I've made a mobx-state-tree store for file uploads, and each file has its own CancelTokenSource
, which is sent to the Axios network call.
When an upload is in progress, I try to cancel the upload, and then destroy the item.
The simplest way is like I show below, by destroying the item in the store, and then have an beforeDestroy()
hook that cancels the upload. But that approach makes mobx-state-tree show the error in the screenshot.
I've also tried calling the file.cancelTokenSource.cancel()
explicitly before destroying the item. Same error. I suspect that the operation is not fully cancelled when the cancel()
returns, but since it's not an async function, I cannot await
its completion.
When I just call the cancel()
without destroying, it cancels just fine, so I'm pretty sure that it's a timing issue, where the destroy(file)
is called too soon, before cancel()
has cleaned up after itself.
What to do here?
import { destroy, flow, Instance, types } from 'mobx-state-tree'
import { FileUpload, IFileUpload } from '../entities/file-upload/file-upload'
import { getApi } from '../../store-environment'
* Store for handling the FileUpload
export const FileUploadStore = types
files: types.array(FileUpload),
.actions((self) => {
const api = getApi(self)
const add = (uri: string, name: string, type: string, size: number) => {
const file = FileUpload.create({
const remove = (file: IFileUpload) => {
const cancel = (file: IFileUpload) => {
// also tried this - with no luck
// file.cancelTokenSource.cancel()
const upload = flow(function* (file: IFileUpload) {
file.status = 'pending'
file.uploadedBytes = 0
const { uri, name, type } = file
try {
const id = yield api.uploadFile(uri, name, type, file.setProgress, file.cancelTokenSource.token)
file.status = 'completed'
file.fileUploadId = id
} catch (error) {
file.status = 'failed'
file.error = error.message
return {
afterCreate() {
// Avoid persistance
retry: upload,
export type IFileUploadStore = Instance<typeof FileUploadStore>
import { Instance, SnapshotIn, types } from 'mobx-state-tree'
import { CancelToken } from 'apisauce'
* FileUpload contains the particular data of a file, and some flags describing its status.
export const FileUpload = types
name: types.string,
type: types.string,
uri: types.string,
size: types.number,
// set if an arror occours
error: types.maybe(types.string),
status: types.optional(types.enumeration(['pending', 'completed', 'failed']), 'pending'),
// updated by progressCallback
uploadedBytes: types.optional(types.number, 0),
// assigned when response from backend is received
fileUploadId: types.maybe(types.string),
.volatile(() => ({
cancelTokenSource: CancelToken.source(),
.actions((self) => ({
setProgress(event: ProgressEvent) {
self.uploadedBytes = event.loaded
beforeDestroy() {
export interface IFileUpload extends Instance<typeof FileUpload> {}
// SnapshotIn, used for creating input to store: {Model}.create({})
export interface IFileUploadSnapshotIn extends SnapshotIn<typeof FileUpload> {}
You are destroying the FileUpload
node and cancelling the axios
request nicely, but cancelling the request will throw an error, so you need to make sure that your FileUpload
node is still alive before you try to update it in the catch
import { destroy, flow, Instance, types, isAlive } from 'mobx-state-tree'
// ...
const upload = flow(function* (file: IFileUpload) {
const { uri, name, type } = file
file.status = "pending"
file.uploadedBytes = 0
try {
const id = yield api.uploadFile(
file.status = "completed"
file.fileUploadId = id
} catch (error) {
if (isAlive(file)) {
file.status = "failed"
file.error = error.message