I need to get types from an interface by doing something like below, but I need to do it inside a function. Is there any way to do this using typescript generics?
I need the function to pass request bodies, along with an interface specifying their types and verify that the request body has the necessary items as well as correct format.
Note: I am using tsoa with express, so any other library or technique to properly validate request bodies would be fine.
interface someInterface {
foo: string;
bar: number;
const testObject: someInterface = req.body;
ensure foo and bar are of correct type, length etc.
(I will verify types, I just need a way of
getting the interface keys in a reusable function.)
function verifyObject<T>(obj: T): void {
class temp implements T {} // does not work
const keys = Object.keys(new temp());
// use keys
You almost have it - made a generic function, so its param will be the object of the Interface, and accessing keys of the object is, well, you know it:
function verifyObject<T>(obj: T): void {
const keys = Object.keys(obj);