I have this data frame with 2 columns, "Column A" and "Column B", Column A is a string and column B is a list:
A B c
cat | cat | elephant | gorilla | YES
dog | monkey | duck | giraffe | NO
bird | cow | bird | hamster | YES
and I want to evaluate if Column A is in Column B and if so to write YES or NO in this new column C
I tried many ways, the very last one is:
df_epl["Marketo LSC"] = df_epl["Data Entry Point"].isin("Entry Point List")
but it gives me this error:
in isin
raise TypeError(TypeError: only list-like objects are allowed to be passed to isin(), you passed a [str]
Try this
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('res.csv') #Your csv here
C = []
for i in range(0,len(df)):
if df['A'][i] in df['B'][i]:
df['C'] = C