I would like to get change detail from change_id assume 123 Using GERRIT API: https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/Documentation/rest-api-changes.html#get-change-detail
But In such a case it throws error:
HTTP Error 404: Not Found !! CODE=404 !! None -> b'Multiple changes found for 123\n' @ http://<GERRIT_SERVER>/a/changes/123/detail
The problem is that there are changes with same change_id in multiple projects. Same command works properly when I try to get detail for change_id which exists only in single project.
Do you know some workaround for such a case?
Add the project to the search.
See the Gerrit documentation here.
Identifier that uniquely identifies one change. It contains the URL-encoded project name as well as the change number: "'~'"
Gerrit also supports the following identifiers: