I am using Interactive Brokers IBAPI to connect to a running instance of TWS.
I am wanting to obtain tick-by-tick data for the forex pair EUR/USD. (The particular pair does really not matter.)
I am using the following API function to request the tick-by-tick data:
_ibClient.ClientSocket.reqTickByTickData(tickerId, contract, "Last", 0, false);
This call works fine for a stock contract like, say, TSLA.
The error message being returned in the case of a ForEx contract is:
Error. Id: 2, Code: 10189, Msg: Failed to request tick-by-tick data:No historical market data for EUR/CASH@FXSUBPIP Last 0
I am not requesting historical data.
Here is the contract object:
contract = new Contract
Symbol = "EUR",
SecType = "CASH",
Exchange = "IDEALPRO",
PrimaryExch = "IDEALPRO",
Currency = "USD",
Here are the contents of the log file:
Next Valid Id: 1
Account list: *********
Market data farm connection is OK:cashfarm
Market data farm connection is OK:usfarm
HMDS data farm connection is OK:euhmds
HMDS data farm connection is OK:cashhmds
HMDS data farm connection is OK:fundfarm
HMDS data farm connection is OK:ushmds
Sec-def data farm connection is OK:secdefil
Error. Id: 2, Code: 10189, Msg: Failed to request tick-by-tick data:No historical market data for EUR/CASH@FXSUBPIP Last 0
Can anyone help me understand why I am not able to obtain tick-by-tick data for a ForEx contract?
Last is not available for forex, only midpoint. It doesn't trade on an exchange.
_ibClient.ClientSocket.reqTickByTickData(tickerId, contract, "MidPoint", 0, false);
n.b. It will come in public void tickByTickMidPoint(int reqId, long time, double midPoint)