While trying to place an order, I'm receiving the following error:
Code: -2010 Account has insufficient balance for requested action
I'm requesting the POST endpoint https://api.binance.com/api/v3/order with the following parameters:
$params =
'symbol' => 'BTCUSDT',
'side' => 'BUY',
'type' => 'MARKET',
'quoteOrderQty' => 375.00,
'timestamp' => $timestamp,
And I just deposit 400$, which means I have enough funds to purchase 375$ worth of BTC.
What am I missing?
I suggest you find your money and convert it to USDT if you want. Check this page using your browser https://binance.com/en/my/wallet/account/main and find what currency do you have now. Keep in mind that USD != USDT