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ROS ORB-Slam2 Map Point Vector is Empty

I am trying to get mapping to work with ROS. I have a Raspberry Pi 3B+ with a Picamera v2 running ROS Noetic. It is running cv_camera_node to broadcast the camera images. I also have an Ubuntu 20.04.1 running ROS Noetic along with ORB-SLAM2. I was able to get the debug_image to display the grayscale image with the green lines. I can't get it to pass the initialization stage. The debug image keeps on saying "Trying to initialize" and the output of the ORB Slam launch file says, "Map point vector is empty!" I was able to get it to work twice but I don't know how. How do I properly calibrate it?


  • I have faced this issue before. I was able to get around this by applying this patch and trying different image sizes to see what worked best.