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Koltin null check not working for Room TypeConverter function

let's say i have this JSON and you can see that in "Object 1" there is faq array but not in "Object 2" so there for i m checking if its null but after checking null kotlin still run condition body and printing its value to null

    "name": "Object 1",
    "faq": [
        "question": "A Question?",
        "answer": "Answer"
    "name": "Object 2",

and i am using this code to convert this

class Converters {

    fun faqListToJSON(value: List<FAQ>?): String = Gson().toJson(value)

    fun jsonToFAQ(value: String?): List<FAQ> {

        if(value != null) {

            val faq = object : TypeToken<List<FAQ>>() {}.type

            Log.e("Converter", "jsonToFAQ: $value")

            return Gson().fromJson(value, faq)

        return emptyList()


this is my model class of that objects and FAQ object

data class Object(


    var faq: List<FAQ>? = null

data class FAQ(val question: String, val answer: String)

and giving this error log even i have first checked for null

2021-02-02 00:04:13.565 24185-24447/ E/Converter: jsonToFAQ: null
    Process:, PID: 24185
    java.lang.NullPointerException: Gson().fromJson(value, faq) must not be null


  • well for this solution my workaround is this as you can see in my entity i have already declared that this field can be null var faq: List<FAQ>? = null so instead check null in TypeConverter just convert it straight like this

    fun jsonToFAQ(value: String) = Gson().fromJson(value, Array<FAQ>

    and then check null where ever you are using this field