I'm currently running GridSearchCV to find the best hyperparameters for f1 scores.
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score, make_scorer
f1 = make_scorer(f1_score, average='micro')
grid = {'n_neighbors':np.arange(1,16),
knn = KNeighborsClassifier()
knn_cv = GridSearchCV(knn,grid,cv=3, verbose = 3, scoring= f1)
print("Train Score:",knn_cv.best_score_)
result_train["GridSearch-Best-Train"] = knn_cv.best_score_
Although I've noticed that the best hyperparameters and best accuracy stays the same after using f1 as the scoring, am I using it wrongly?
This isn't too surprising, especially if your classes aren't too imbalanced. And I don't see anything wrong immediately with your code.
To add some supporting evidence that things are working as expected, have a look at the knn_cv.cv_results_
for both scorers (probably easiest to inspect if you turn that dictionary into a pandas
dataframe). In fact, you can specify more than one scorer, so that the cv_results_
attribute will show you both scores in the same dictionary/frame. You might want to throw in a more continuous score, like log-loss.