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How to set data in child component from computed prop

I am currently building a filter with vue-multiselect. Everything works, but the only problem I am facing is, that on page reload, the label (v-model) is empty.

The reason surely is, that the v-model selectedOption is on page reload empty, because the prop from the parent component is a computed property.

For the best readability I will cut most of the code.

Parent component (ProductList.vue):

    <ProductListFilter v-bind:currentProductType="currentProductType"

import {mapGetters} from 'vuex';

export default {
  computed: {
      currentProductType: 'shop/productTypes/currentProductType',
  mounted() {
    this.$store.dispatch('shop/productTypes/setCurrentProductType', this.productType);

Child component (ProductListFilter.vue)

      <div v-if="allProductTypes && currentProductType" class="col-4">
        <multiselect v-model="selectedProductType"

import Multiselect from 'vue-multiselect'

export default {
  name: "ProductTypeFilter",
  props: ['currentProductType'],
  components: { Multiselect },
  data() {
    return {
      selectedProductType: this.currentProductType,

Now the problem is, that if I print {{ selectedProductType }} in my template, of course it is empty because in the parent component, the property is a computed property, coming from an api. I already tried to use this.selectedProductType = this.currentProductType in mounted but this does not work too,


  • You could add a watch property to update selectedProductType whenever currentProductType changes. In your child component:

    watch: {
      currentProductType(val) {
        this.selectedProductType = val;