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Assign App Service - Identity to KeyVault in Azure using Pulumi

I create an App Service using "classic" Pulumi.Azure:

        var appservice=new AppService(appserviceName, new AppServiceArgs
            Name = appserviceName,
            Location = _resourceGroup.Location,
            AppServicePlanId = _servicePlan.Id,
            ResourceGroupName = _resourceGroup.Name,
            SiteConfig = new Pulumi.Azure.AppService.Inputs.AppServiceSiteConfigArgs
                DotnetFrameworkVersion = "v5.0",
                ScmType = "None",
            Tags = { { "environemnt", "dev" } },
            Logs = new AppServiceLogsArgs
                HttpLogs = new AppServiceLogsHttpLogsArgs
                    FileSystem = new AppServiceLogsHttpLogsFileSystemArgs { RetentionInDays = 14, RetentionInMb = 35 }
            AppSettings = appSettings

I also create a keyvault:

  var currentConfig=Output.Create(GetClientConfig.InvokeAsync());
            var keyVault = new KeyVault(vaultname, new KeyVaultArgs
                Name = vaultname,
                Location = _resourceGroup.Location,
                ResourceGroupName = _resourceGroup.Name,
                TenantId = currentConfig.Apply(q => q.TenantId),
                , AccessPolicies=
                     new Pulumi.Azure.KeyVault.Inputs.KeyVaultAccessPolicyArgs
                          KeyPermissions={"get", "create", "list"},
                          SecretPermissions={"set","get","delete","purge","recover", "list"}

Both work as expected. KeyVault and App Service are being created and accessable by me. Now I need that the App Service also can access the KeyVault.

But when adding a new Access Policy I am stuck at the ObjectId. The App Service does not seem to have a valid object id I can assign to the vault. When checking the service on Azure Portal I also see the Identy is missing: Identity in Azure

So what has to be done as pulumi code that would achieve the same thing as clicking onto "On" in Azure and retrieve the ObjectId afterwards?


  • You need to set the following property on AppService to enable the managed identity:

    Identity = new AppServiceIdentityArgs {Type = "SystemAssigned"},

    This example illustrates the end-to-end implementation: