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bind an array of data to form array in angular

I have a form where i used form array. In getstudentsArray i'm getting data of students. I want to display this dynamic data in formarray using ngfor. Please help me bind the getstudentsArray array in html form array Can you please fix my issue. Thanks in advance.


<span formArrayName="times">
<a (click)="addGroup()">Add New Textfield</a>
<span  *ngFor="let time of timesArray.controls; let i = index;">
  <span [formGroupName]="i">                         
    <input type="text" class="form-control" formControlName="lists" placeholder="enter dropdown options">  
getstudentsArray: any = [];

  const obj: any = {
    ID: this.stu_id
  this.service.postmethod('studentsDetails', obj).subscribe((res: any) => {
    this.respon= res;
    this.getstudentsArray = this.respon.test;
    "test": [
        {"id": 1,"class": 5,"name": "john"},
        {"id": 2,"class": 5,"name": "tim"},
        {"id": 3,"class": 5,"name": "alex"},   


  • Here is your working solution :

    First you need to create formgroup of object and then you need to push those groups on array. I have also added validator function if you want to add.

    For validators you can say :

    this.validators = {
       'name': Validators.compose([Validators.required, Validators.maxLength(50)])

    And you need to pass this.validator instead of blank object {} in createFormGroup(...) method.