According to the Razor pay documentation, you after the payment with the Card/Wallet has been successful, you need to verify the payment.
"This is a mandatory step that allows you to confirm the authenticity of the details returned to the Checkout form for successful payments."
The following python code has been given as sample:
import razorpay
client = razorpay.Client(auth = ('<key_id>', '<key_secret>'))
params_dict = {
'razorpay_order_id': '12122',
'razorpay_payment_id': '332',
'razorpay_signature': '23233'
But I don't see the client object doesn't have a member with name : utility. I am not able to find any good working sample. Please provide some help with this step. Thanks in advance!
This is how I found on how to instantiate the utility class.
If you go to the definition of razorpay.Client in VSCode (F12), you can see that it imports the utility class.
Now if you go to the definition of utility class, you can see how it can be initiated.
Based on that, I came up with the following code. NOTE that verify_payment_signature() doesn't return any value. But if there is any problem, it will come as an exception. (Eg: Remove one parameter from input and execute again).
# Install from VSCode command line : >python -m pip install razorpay
import razorpay
# this is your account credentials got from the dash board
client = razorpay.Client(auth = ('rzp_test_xxx', 'yyy'))
# These values are got from Razor pay paymentUI response
params_dict = {
'razorpay_order_id': 'order_xxx',
'razorpay_payment_id': 'pay_yyy',
'razorpay_signature': 'zzzzz'
util = razorpay.Utility(client)
except Exception as e:
print("Unexpected error:", e)