I am trying to use liquibase to auto generate the UUID as the primary key. This post has provided some ideas for postgresql, which I am trying to use. Liquibase - insert rows with uuid
<property name="uuid_type" value="uuid" dbms="postgresql"/>
<property name="uuid_function" value="uid.uuid_generate_v4()" dbms="postgresql"/>
<column name="id" type="${uuid_type}" defaultValueComputed="${uuid_function}">
<constraints nullable="false" unique="true" />
However, I need a solution to get this work alone with H2. I have seen someone suggest using the following, when using h2 on its own, but it can't share defaultValueComputed in the column definition (I am not sure there is a supported function for h2 that can be assigned to defaultValueComputed)
<property name="uuid_type" value="varchar(36)" dbms="h2"/>
Is there a way to support both Postgres and H2 in liquibase
Part of your question is asking if you can generate uuid in H2 right? I'm no expert, but it looks like you can: http://www.h2database.com/html/functions.html#random_uuid
Second, you are asking if you can do this in liquibase similar to the way it is done targeting Postgres:
<property name="uuid_type" value="uuid" dbms="postgresql"/>
<property name="uuid_function" value="uid.uuid_generate_v4()" dbms="postgresql"/>
<column name="id" type="${uuid_type}" defaultValueComputed="${uuid_function}">
<constraints nullable="false" unique="true" />
Have you tried:
<property name="uuid_type" value="uuid" dbms="h2"/>
<property name="uuid_function" value="RANDOM_UUID()" dbms="h2"/>
<column name="id" type="${uuid_type}" defaultValueComputed="${uuid_function}">
<constraints nullable="false" unique="true" />