I am trying to set the column width of each line to a fixed "511" width on a large dataset. If the line has less than 511 column width then I want to add space on the end of the line until it has 511 column width. Currently, I am running into a lot of the entries that have irregular column widths. For instance, if the column width is 450 i.e. less than than 511 then I am manually adding space until it has 511 width and if column width exceeds 511 then I am deleting space until it is 511. The current dataset has over 1 million rows so I was wondering if there was faster way to add "spaces" on the end of each line. Would appreciate any help.
If there aren't many irregular lines (if most lines are 511 characters long), you can use this macro. Otherwise, this macro might take a long time to finish.
COLUMN = 511 + 1; // add 1 to the width
Redraw = false;
nLines = document.GetLines();
for( y = 1; y <= nLines; ++y ) {
document.selection.SetActivePoint( eePosLogical, 1, y );
document.selection.EndOfLine( false, eeLineLogical );
x = document.selection.GetActivePointX( eePosLogical );
if( x < COLUMN ) {
s = "";
for( i = COLUMN - x ; i > 0; --i ) {
s += " ";
document.selection.Text = s;
else if( x > COLUMN ) {
document.selection.SetActivePoint( eePosLogical, COLUMN, y, true );
To run this, save this code as, for instance, AutoSpace.jsee
, and then select this file from Select... in the Macros menu. Finally, select Run AutoSpace.jsee in the Macros menu.