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Where is `npm link` registring commands on Ubuntu?


I have an NodeJS oclif CLI named "mydemo" and ran npm link to register and execute the program's commands globally. After I ran npm unlink mydemo to unregister the command, when I type the program's name, I get the error below.

$ mydemo
bash: /home/eric/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/mydemo: No such file or directory

Expected output

$ mydemo
mydemo: command not found


How does Linux still know to look in the ".nvm" directory for this command if I've unlinked it?

Attempts to figure it out

  • Ran npm unlink
  • Ran npm uninstall -g mydemo
  • Ran which mydemo (no output)
  • Searched for symlinks (maybe I didn't search the right place)

... it still searches that specific ".nvm" directory.


  • Ubuntu 20
  • nvm 0.37.2
  • node v15.8.0
  • "@oclif/dev-cli": "^1.26.0"


  • Nevermind. The command was cached in the shell session, possibly in the $PATH variable. It cleared in a new user session.