I have some OpenMDAO components that do math on 1D lists of x-coordinates and 1D lists of y-coordinates, outputting lists of distance and angle from each pair. Each computation depends on only a single x and y.
They are similar to
x = cos(t)
y = sin(t)
d2 = x**2 + y**2
where in the setup
method I've configured
self.add_input("t", shape_by_conn=True)
self.add_output("x", copy_shape="t")
self.add_output("y", copy_shape="t")
self.add_output("d2", copy_shape="t")
and the compute
method works as expected. Typically t
is a 1D array from np.linspace()
In setup_partials
I have
size = self._get_var_meta("t", "size")
self.declare_partials("x", ["t"],
rows=range(size), cols=range(size))
self.declare_partials("y", ["t"],
rows=range(size), cols=range(size))
self.declare_partials("d2", ["t"],
rows=range(size), cols=range(size))
and in compute_partials
I pass a 1D numpy array to J["x", "t"]
and so on. The test check_partials
throws no error when I set t
to be of length 10. I do see it printing 10x10 arrays in its output if I do not have out_stream=None
Yet, if I set t
to have size 100000, when I run
it tries to allocate a large array: Unable to allocate 74.5 GiB for an array with shape (100000, 100000) and data type float64
. I would have expected that only arrays of size ~100000 would be allocated, not 100000^2.
The same error occurs if I do not run check_partials
, but instead attach an ExecComp
self.add_subsystem("hypotsq", om.ExecComp("d_sq = x**2 + y**2",
y={"copy_shape": "x"},
d_sq={"copy_shape": "y"}))
The doc page for Spartial partial derivatives mentions a "sparse AssembledJacobian
" and also a "sparse global jacobian". Might I need one of those? Is there something else I've left out?
During normal run, it will only allocate sparse jacobians. However, during check_partials, OpenMDAO allocates a second dense array for the FD partials to be put into.
OpenMDAO does this because in general, getting the rows/cols right is tricky and its often helpful to see the full jacobian matrix. Its clearly causing problems for your code, and there is a few workarounds I can suggest:
when you run check_partials, set up your component with a much smaller size. You can use the full size at run time, but for checking this is excessive.
if checking with a large value of t
is important to you then consider using the directional derivative checking instead.