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What does sampled=1 mean in the context of AWS X-Ray

I am trying to familiarize myself with AWS X-Ray. I see there are two levels of tracing: Active and PassThrough. The definition isn't quite helpful even after looking at this post. What does it mean if sampled=1? I can't find any documentation on this.


  • "Active" sampling means the service has some form of sampling algorithm, wherein if a request comes in with no trace header, or trace header comes in with no sampling set, a sampling decision is made.

    "Passthrough" means no sampling decision will be made, but if there is a trace header attached to the request, the header will be "passed through" the service to any other downstream services on the critical path.

    "sampled=1" means that trace is sampled and should report data to the AWS X-Ray backend.


    X-Ray Trace header: