I am using Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo to generate a computer's serial number and a hash code and export that info as a CSV.
Here is the code I usually use:
new-item "c:\Autopilot_Export" -type directory -force
Set-Location "C:\Autopilot_Export"
Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo.ps1 -OutputFile Autopilot_CSV.csv
Robocopy C:\Autopilot_Export \\Zapp\pc\Hash_Exports /copyall
This outputs a CSV file named "Autopilot_CSV.csv" to the C:\Autopilot_Export
directory and then Robocopy copies it to the Network Share drive inside of the Hash_Exports folder listed above. In the above code, if I manually type in "test", "123", "ABC", etc. and replace "Autopilot_CSV" it will output a CSV under all of those names as well. So it looks like Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo will create a CSV file and save the file name with whatever string you pass into it. Great.
However, I am running this script on multiple different computers and I would like the exported CSV to be named something unique to the machine it is running on so I can easily identify it once it's copied. I am trying to pass the value of the environmental variable $env:computername
as a string input for the CSV and it isn't working.
Here's the code I'm trying to use:
new-item "c:\Autopilot_Export" -type directory -force
Set-Location "C:\Autopilot_Export"
Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo.ps1 -OutputFile $env:computername.csv
Robocopy C:\Autopilot_Export C:\Users\danieln\Desktop /copyall
This code does not generate the CSV file at all. Why not?
Do I just have a basic misunderstanding of how environmental variables are used in Powershell? $env:computername
appears to return a string of the computer's name, but I cannot pass it into Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo and have it save, but it will work if I manually type a string in as the input.
I have also tried setting it to a variable $computername = [string]$env:computername
and just passing $computername
in before the .CSV and that doesn't appear to work either. And per the docmentation, environmental variables are apparently already strings.
Am I missing something?
Doublequoting seems to work. The colon is special in powershell parameters.
echo hi | set-content "$env:computername.csv"
Directory: C:\users\me\foo
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 2/11/2021 1:02 PM 4 COMP001.csv
The colon is special. For example in switch parameters:
get-childitem -force:$true
Actually, it's trying to find a property named csv:
echo hi | Set-Content $env:COMPUTERNAME.length
Directory: C:\Users\me\foo
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 2/11/2021 3:04 PM 4 8