My Section original had a Text object only. When I replaced it with a NavigationLink so that tapping on it would lead to another view, suddenly the Section ballooned up in size, adding both padding and margins. I've tried .padding(0) and everything else I could think of, but the NavigationLink insists on being an oversized bubble.
var body: some View {
List {
NavigationLink("Section Title", destination: OrgChooserView())) {
ForEach(model.metrics, id: \.displaySequence) { metric in
MetricRowView(metric: metric)
With NavigationLink in Section:
With Text in Section:
I'd be grateful for any assistance on either removing the visible bubble that surrounds the section header, or adjusting its padding and margins.
Apply .buttonStyle(.plain)
to your NavigationLink to remove the padding and background. You’ll also lose a button’s default tinting and “touch down” effects, so you’ll have to recreate them if you need them.