I am trying to convert a body consisting of different parameters as hash
into an encoded format as below:
params = {
"senderid" => "abc",
"username" => "xyz",
"password" => "1234",
"Response" => "Y",
"mtype" => "TXT",
"dltentityid" => "15058",
"tmid" => "11101",
"subdatatype" => "M",
"dlttempid" => "345690",
"dlttagid" => "",
"msgdata" => {
"data" => [
"mobile" => "9000099999",
"message" => "Thank for showing your preference for the loan requirement for your dream home at Happinest Kalyan. We have a host financial partners who are offering home loans at competitive rates. Login access the details of financial partners on abc."
url = URI('http://www.smsjust.com/sms/user/urlsms_json.php')
http = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port)
request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(url)
request["Content-Type"] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
request.body = URI.encode_www_form(params)
response = http.request(request)
The receiver receives request.body
as below. Here the URI encoding of params encodes the params as below, which doesn't work and gives output as wrong json format
And the same post request in postman translates the URI encoding of params as below which works - The below is the expected format in which it should be sent to the receiver:
Already Tried:
I have tried using CGI.escape
but doesn't work either.
Any help with the above issue will be much appreciated.
I have found the solution which looks something like below:
params = {
"senderid" => "abc",
"username" => "xyz",
"password" => "1234",
"Response" => "Y",
"mtype" => "TXT",
"dltentityid" => "15058",
"tmid" => "11101",
"subdatatype" => "M",
"dlttempid" => "345690",
"dlttagid" => ""
msgdata = {
"data" => [
"mobile" => "9000099999",
"message" => "Thank for showing your preference for the loan requirement for your dream home at Happinest Kalyan. We have a host financial partners who are offering home loans at competitive rates. Login access the details of financial partners on abc."
url = URI('http://www.smsjust.com/sms/user/urlsms_json.php')
http = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port);
request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(url)
request["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
request_body = (params.each { |k, v| params[k] = CGI.escape(v.to_s) }).to_query
request.body = "#{request_body}&msgdata=#{CGI.escape(msgdata.to_s)}"
The catch here is to convert all the params into CGI.escape
instead of URI.encode_www_form
except the msgdata
As msgdata
is a string, it should sent as a json
string in the body - hence convert it into json
separately --> apply CGI.escape
on it and then append it last in the request_body
Hope this will help anyone landing on this question !!!