<div class="device-view">
<span class="device-list-label">Device List</span>
<div class="device-list">
style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"
This is my code for polling. I am calling update method in ngOnit().
this.timeInterval = interval(10000)
switchMap(() => this.deviceService.getDeviceList())
repeatWhen(() => this.deviceService.flag$)
.subscribe((success: any) => {
this.updatedData = success;
}, retry(2));
These are the methods to restore the state of the filter and apply the filter model whenevr new data comes.
saveFilterModel() {
this.savedFilterModel1 = this.gridApi.getFilterModel();
const keys = Object.keys(this.savedFilterModel1);
const savedFilters = keys.length > 0 ? keys.join(', ') : '(none)';
document.querySelector('#savedFilters').innerHTML = savedFilters;
onFilterChanged(event: any) {
this.savedFilterModel1 = this.gridApi.getFilterModel();
const keys = Object.keys(this.savedFilterModel1);
const savedFilters = keys.length > 0 ? keys.join(', ') : '(none)';
restoreFilterModel() {
if (this.gridApi) {
The issue is there is a minor flicker, when data comes the screen first shows the entire data and then filter the data. How do i avoid the flicker. What changes do i need to make in the code?
You're saving and restoring the filters manually, you don't need to do that. What you're missing is the following code for your column definition:
filterParams: {
newRowsAction: 'keep'
So add the above code into your defaultColumnDefs
so it gets applied to every column.
From documentation:
It is recommended that newRowsAction='keep' is set on the filter params to keep existing filter selections when new rows are added