within my own package, I want to redirect the appearing help page for a function to the documentation of another function. For e.g., when I click F1 key on "is.matrix()" or on "as.matrix()" in both cases the help page / documentation of "matrix()" appears. How do I realize that with my own functions?
abc <- function(data, ...) { }
as.abc <- function(data, ...) { }
is.abc <- function(x) { }
I only want to implement one documentation for abc() and the documentation for as.abc() and is.abc() should be the one for abc().
Thanks in advance!
What you're looking for is the @rdname
. See e.g. http://www.iysik.com/r/roxygen2
In your case, you would do
#' abc-function title
#' @rdname abc
#' @export
#' @param data Document your parameters, please!
abc <- function(data, ...) { }
#' @rdname abc
#' @export
#' @inheritParams abc
as.abc <- function(data, ...) { }
#' @rdname abc
#' @export
#' @param x x
is.abc <- function(x) { }