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Add attribute to all forms

I'd like to add autocomplete="off" to all <form> tag in my symfony project and I'm looking for the best way to do such.

I don't want to change all templates to change {{form_start}} call or manually add attribute on form object in controller, neither add listener or subscriber on each form.

I am looking for a global solution, like a service that change all forms in one call.


  • I think if it's the default behavior of all your forms, it's better to think about a root solution. Extending type by default will do the trick

    class FormTypeExtension extends AbstractTypeExtension
         * Return the class of the type being extended.
        public static function getExtendedTypes(): iterable
            // return FormType::class to modify (nearly) every field in the system
            return [FormType::class];
        public function buildView(FormView $view, FormInterface $form, array $options): void
            if (isset($view->vars['method'])) { // Make sure we're on the base form
                $view->vars['attr']['autocomplete'] = isset($view->vars['attr']['autocomplete']) ? $view->vars['attr']['autocomplete'] : "off"; // let the possibility to override for specific forms

    you just have to use it like that

    class DefaultController extends AbstractController
         * @Route("/", name="home")
        public function home() {
            $form1 = $this->createForm(DemoType::class, new Demo());
            $form2 = $this->createForm(DemoType::class, new Demo(), ['attr' => ['autocomplete' => "on"]]);
            return $this->render('demo.html.twig', ['form1' => $form1->createView(), 'form2' => $form2->createView()]);