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How to ADB USB Debugging Mode without USB Cable

The USB cable interface of my phone is slightly broken, only supporting charging now. I cannot connect it to the PC to share files over MTP or USB Dedubugging with ADB.

Because USB Dedebugging is not working, I cannot uninstall some system apps with PC-side command "adb pm uninstsall --user 0 package_names". Is there other ways to uninstall them without connecting to PC (not rooted device).

I also tried to install JuiceSSH in the phone, and suppose to run "pm uninstall ..", but the command failed for not authorized. I am not sure whether only ADB USB Debugging mode can allow users to execute that command correctly?

My main goal is just to uninstall those system apps on the un-rooted device. I am pretty sure that ADB mode should work if my USB cable was not broken. Are there alternative ways to archive this goal (e.g. to enable ADB shell bypass USB cable, or some command in JuiceSSH to allow me to execute "pm uninstall --user 0 ..")?


  • sadly, no, without root you can't execute this command. if you could then any app could uninstall any other, thats very insecure for user

    you have to connect to your PC at least once for enabling ADB wireless connection (check out how)

    starting Android 11 there is and ADB Wireless debug mode built-in, it doesn't need any cable connection, even initial. but still limited to currently newest OS version...