Hi, I have some questions regarding exporting ONNX models.
Let's say we have an LSTM cell from PyTorch.
Using torch.onnx.export produces ONNX model with LSTM layer.
However, I am interested in whether it can produce the ONNX model at the operator level, i.e, matmul, add.
Is there a way to do so?
If not, is there another way to make an operator level ONNX model?
Thanks, Jake
When you export a model from PyTorch to onnx using the torch.onnx.export()
function, it records all the operations that the initial model has used. as mentioned here.
we call the
function. This will execute the model, recording a trace of what operators are used to computing the outputs.
so, yes it does produce the onnx model at the operator level, you can even visualize the exported .onnx
model graph using netron
if you still want to use the onnx
operator, here is the ONNX Operator Schemas.