I need to format the Serilog json output to file in a very specific format. I've messed with the outputtemplate but I must be missing something simple. An example of the output is:
"event.action": "Save",
"custom.vulnerability": "Save PII",
"message":"Inserted person object by Bob",
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to achieve this format? I have enrichers to populate many of these properties but producing the desired output format is my issue. Thanks, Donta
In order to control the format of the JSON output you'll need to implement a custom ITextFormatter
(where you decide how to format the JSON), and provide it to the sink(s) that are emitting the logs.
Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
.WriteTo.File(new YourCustomJsonFormatter(), "./logs/myapp.json")
You can see an example implementation of a custom ITextFormatter
in the source code of Serilog.Formatting.Compact.