I have a variable ($var) that contains a series of numbers ordered and separated with commas. As an example:
My original plan was to use them for extracting a series of columns in a file1 by the next code:
cat file1 | cut -f "$var"
The terminal warns me of a problem: "Argument list too long". My objective remains the same — which strategy/alternative may I follow? I require something that lets me obtain all the columns (saving them or not in a file). Using a loop or whatever could prevent me from doing it "manually/individually".
A (smaller) example of the desired output:
123 299 429
12 0 2
0 0 2
4 15 20
4 22 27
3 2 7
0 0 0
61 155 77
8327 5961 10023
5 11 17
5777 8840 5669
10 3 1
53 365 199
1 0 3
26 31 15
1 0 0
contains huge number of columns separated by tab.Then would you try the awk
echo "$var" > list
# the "echo" command above is for the demonstration purpose only.
# please create a csv file "list" which contains the column list as "var".
awk '
BEGIN {FS = OFS = "\t"} # assign the field separators to TAB
NR==FNR {len = split($0, a, ","); next} # read the file "list" and assign an array "a" to the list
result = $a[1] # 1st element of the column indexed by array a
for (i = 2; i <= len; i++) # loop over the column list
result = result OFS $a[i] # append the next element of the indexed column
print result # print the record
' list file1
We need to store the list of column numbers in a separate file "list" to avoid the Argument list too long
error. I have tested with approx. 600KB list and it works.