Our order system outputs invoices as draft emails. One email is created per invoice, however often this is many emails to the same customer.
For the convenience of our customers, we combine these into one email per customer with multiple invoices attached.
When I have various emails open I can manually drag an attachment across from one draft to another.
How can dragging an attachment from one draft email onto another be coded?
I tried using an array of attachment objects (as per my unsolved question here) but that doesn't seem possible.
Sub AmalgInv()
Dim MyAccount As Account
'section here to set the MyAccount variable, not relevant to this question.
Dim OpenItem As Object
Dim arrDraft() As MailItem
For a = Application.Inspectors.Count To 1 Step -1
Set OpenItem = Application.Inspectors(a).CurrentItem
If TypeOf OpenItem Is MailItem Then
If OpenItem.Subject Like "*New*Invoice*" Then
b = b + 1
ReDim Preserve arrDraft(1 To b)
Set arrDraft(b) = OpenItem
End If
End If
'ArrDraft now only contains relevant (invoice) drafts not anything else
Dim arrUnqAdd() As String 'array of unique addresses
Dim strAddrUnique As String 'list of unique email addresses
Dim strAddrNonUnique As String 'list of duplicated email addresses
ReDim Preserve arrAdd(1 To UBound(arrDraft))
For a = 1 To UBound(arrDraft)
If Not strAddrUnique Like "*" & arrDraft(a).To & "*" Then
strAddrUnique = strAddrUnique & IIf(Len(strAddrUnique) = 0, "", "/") & arrDraft(a).To
strAddrNonUnique = strAddrNonUnique & IIf(Len(strAddrNonUnique) = 0, "", " / ") & arrDraft(a).To
End If
arrUnqAdd = Split(strAddrUnique, "/")
'One option I considered involved creating a similar array of non-unique email addresses
'Hence adding slashes into strAddrNonUnique as well
Dim NewMail As MailItem
For a = LBound(arrUnqAdd) To UBound(arrUnqAdd())
If Not strAddrNonUnique Like "*" & arrUnqAdd(a) & "*" Then
'Only one email for this customer/address
For b = LBound(arrDraft) To UBound(arrDraft)
If arrDraft(b).To = arrUnqAdd(a) Then
Set arrDraft(b).SendUsingAccount = MyAccount
Exit For
End If
'Multiple emails for this address.
'This is the bit I need advice on.
'Tried creating a new email for each and then deleting the leftover ones;
Set NewMail = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)
NewMail.To = arrUnqAdd(a)
For b = LBound(arrDraft) To UBound(arrDraft)
If arrDraft(b).To = arrUnqAdd(a) Then
'transfer that email's attachments across to 'NewMail'
'close and delete arrDraft(b) - not coded in because the above isn't working yet.
End If
Set NewMail.SendUsingAccount = MyAccount
End Sub
To drag an attachment from one email onto another you will need to select all the emails and run loop on selection then save attachments then attach to the new email
start with simple steps then improve it
Option Explicit
Public Sub Example()
Dim Selection_Items As Outlook.Selection
Set Selection_Items = Outlook.Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection
Debug.Print Selection_Items.Count & " items in Selection" 'print on immed win
Dim Folder_Path As String
Folder_Path = "D:\Temp"
Dim New_Email As Outlook.MailItem
Set New_Email = Outlook.Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)
Dim i As Long
Dim Item As Outlook.MailItem
Dim Attachment As Outlook.Attachment
Dim Attachment_Path As String
For i = Selection_Items.Count To 1 Step -1
Debug.Print Selection_Items(i).Subject
Set Item = Selection_Items(i)
For Each Attachment In Item.Attachments
Debug.Print Attachment.FileName
Attachment_Path = Folder_Path & "\" & Attachment.FileName
Attachment.SaveAsFile Attachment_Path
New_Email.Attachments.Add (Attachment_Path)
End Sub
You can check the ActiveExplorer to make sure you are using Drafts folder
If Not Outlook.Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder.Name = "Drafts" Then Exit Sub
You may also wanna check if folder_path
Folder_Path = "D:\Temp"
CreateDir Folder_Path
Private Function CreateDir(FldrPath As String)
Dim Elm As Variant
Dim CheckPath As String
CheckPath = ""
For Each Elm In Split(FldrPath, "\")
CheckPath = CheckPath & Elm & "\"
If Len(Dir(CheckPath, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
MkDir CheckPath
Debug.Print CheckPath & " Folder Created"
End If
Debug.Print CheckPath & " Folder Exist"
End Function
Or use system temp folder GetSpecialFolder(2).Path then delete files