Here is my initial state. It just adds the name but not under car class as the correct object
export const initialState: CustomerState = {
customer: new Customer(),
export class Customer{
id: number;
age: number;
cars: carClass;
phoneNumbers: string[];
export class carClass{
Here is my reducer. I am trying to update the state but I am not sure how can I update the nested component of the class
export const _customerReducer = createReducer(
on(addNameToCustomerCarRequest , (state, action) => ({
customer: { ...state.customer, cars:}
Here is the action to update just the name of the car class
export const addNameToCustomerCarRequest = createAction(
'[Customer Component] Add Name to customer car request ',
props<{ name: string }>()
Try this:
export const _customerReducer = createReducer(
on(addNameToCustomerCarRequest , (state, action) => ({
customer: { ...state.customer, cars: {, name: } }
This is the new syntax and I am not familiar with it. It should either be `` or ``.