I am trying to make a code to download videos from YouTube using pafy
module and a progressbar using tqdm
module, however the progressbar is finished before the download complete.
here is my code download piece:
with tqdm.tqdm(desc=video_name, total=video_size, unit_scale=True, unit='B', initial=0) as pbar:
bestVideo.download(filepath=full_path, quiet=True, callback=lambda _, received, *args: pbar.update(received))
here is a pic a the progressbar:
Problem is because pbar.update()
expects value current_received - previous_received
gives only current_received
so you have to use some variable to rember previous value and substract it
Minimal working code:
import pafy
import tqdm
# --- functions ---
previous_received = 0
def update(pbar, current_received):
global previous_received
diff = current_received - previous_received
previous_received = current_received
# --- main ---
v = pafy.new("cyMHZVT91Dw")
s = v.getbest()
video_size = s.get_filesize()
print("Size is", video_size)
with tqdm.tqdm(desc="cyMHZVT91Dw", total=video_size, unit_scale=True, unit='B', initial=0) as pbar:
s.download(quiet=True, callback=lambda _, received, *args:update(pbar, received))