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Embed Marketo Web to PDF

A client has asked for our design team to embed a Marketo form into a Interactive PDF.

I've advised against it as:

  1. I don't know it's possible ( They've claimed it is )
  2. It's a bit pointless added forms to pdf's when they have a website and app both with forms...

So anyway, even being advised against it, they are detemined that want this form embedding in the PDF.

Does anyone have any ideas? The embed code ( Client sent me - Claims this is to work in PDF's )

<script src="//"></script>
<form id="mktoForm_00000"></form>
<script>MktoForms2.loadForm("//", "000-XMS-000", 00000);</script>

Any help would be appreciated


  • It's not possible... at least not embedded in a PDF. The JavaScript interpreter in Acrobat and other JavaScript-capable viewers do not use the HTML object model. It uses the JavaScript core and an object model specific to PDF. However, see my comment for another option.