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can't upload custom process template in Azure DevOps Server 2020

I'm trying to create a custom process template in Azure DevOps Server 2020. I'm using the on-premises XML process model. When I upload my custom process template I keep getting 'You can't update a system process' error.

These are the steps I took:

  1. Downloaded the Agile system process by going to Collection Settings->Process, clicking on Agile and choosing 'Export'.
  2. I unzipped the downloaded folder and opened it in Visual Studio.
  3. I made changes to field names and added new states for bugs.
  4. I changed the name and version in the ProcessTemplate.xml like so:
<description>This is a custom process template based on the Agile process</description>
<version type="ADCC42AB-9882-485E-A3ED-7678F01F66BC" major="1" minor="0" />
  1. I renamed the folder to CustomProcess and zipped it.
  2. In Collection Settings->Process, I clicked on 'Upload process template' and tried to upload my CustomProcess zipped folder. I get the error 'You can't update a system process'.

I made sure to update the name and version as suggested in a previous Stackoverflow post but I still get an error. Is there something else I need to modify in the XML files?


  • I looked at some more related Stackoverflow posts and found this one helpful. The issue was I need to generate a new GUID for the version. I went into Visual Studio, go to Tools -> Create GUID. Choose the number 6 option for the GUID format. Paste the GUID into the version type: <version type="[paste GUID here]" major="1" minor="0" />

    Hopefully this will help someone else with a similar issue. The official documentation doesn't mention any of this which is very disappointing.