I have a project where I'm using CocoaPods. As part of the CocoaPods setup, the Xcode "Build Phase" gets two Cocoapods scripts:
[CP] Embed Pods Frameworks
[CP] Copy Pods Resources
In the same project I use a script that is required to run after [CP] Embed Pods Frameworks
. I can setup it up manually and it works having
[CP] Embed Pods Frameworks
My Script
[CP] Copy Pods Resources
Problem is that after running pod deintegrate
to reinstall the pods the order of script is reset to:
My Script
[CP] Embed Pods Frameworks
[CP] Copy Pods Resources
As the team work on this project is big. It can happen that the script order is reset by mistake causing the CI to break.
Is there a way in the Podfile to control the order of the scripts?
There's a ruby gem used by CocoaPods: https://github.com/CocoaPods/Xcodeproj to work with Xcode project file. So with its help it's possible to manipulate the order of build phases in your project. I did a quick testing and the following script shold do what you want:
require 'xcodeproj'
def main
proj = Xcodeproj::Project.open("YourProject.xcodeproj")
target = proj.native_targets.select { |target| target.name == "YourTarget" }.first
phase = target.build_phases.select { |phase| phase.display_name == "MyScript" }.first
idx = -1
target.build_phases.each_with_index do |phase, index|
if phase.display_name == "[CP] Embed Pods Frameworks"
idx = index
if idx > 0
target.build_phases.move(phase, idx)
If you want to ensure the script is always at the right position after the pods are installed you will need to add it to your podfile:
post_install do |installer|
system("(sleep 1 && ruby fix_build_phases.rb)&")
There's some delay because it didn't work immediately on post_install, probably due to Cocoapods updating the project by itself at that moment.