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Using TabContainer in an ObjectPageDynamicHeaderTitle in Fiori App

I wrote a Fiori App a while ago using the old Master-Detail Application floorplan which uses an ObjectPageHeader static header. The new SAP guidelines require an ObjectPageDynamicHeaderTitle. My objective is to have a TabContainer along the whole width of the header on top which is visible at all times.

ObjectPageHeader has a naviogationBar aggregation which accepts a Bar, the TabContainer was inside the Bar. The ObjectPageDynamicHeaderTitle doesn’t have this aggregation. I’ve tried putting the tab controller in the actions aggregation and this is how it looks. If I press the arrow I can see a list of all the open tabs:

Tab container in actions aggregation

If I put the tab controller inside the content aggregation it looks like this: Tab container in content aggregation

Again, if I press the arrow I can see a list of the open tabs. The only workaround I found, is that in SAPUI5 V1.71 the breadcrumbs aggregation of ObjectPageDynamicHeaderTitle accepts the Bar Control for some reason and it expands over the whole width of the top of the header as it should. This is not written in the SAP documentation and does not work in newer Fiori versions. This is how I'd like it to look and it works with the workaround. TabContainer inside breadcrumbs aggregation

Is there a more elegant and sustainable way to make this happen?

Here are links to the relevant documentations:








  • I found a different solution to the problem. I just used the TabContainer in a Bar above the ObjectPageLayout as an element of the View. This way I don't have to rerender every time there's a change in the tabs model and I can keep the behavior I'd like. Thanks for the help anyway!