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Changing Wamp Server MySQL and mariadb port and Projects link for index.php

  1. Changing Wamp Server MySQL and MariaDB port ? Wamp Server version: 3.2.0 mariadb port=3306 mysql port=3308

image description here

wamp server icon right mouse click->Tools->(MariaDb) Use a port other than->3307 ok

wamp server icon right mouse click->Tools->(Mysql) Use a port other than->3306 ok

restart wamp server...

enter image description here

  1. Projects link for index.php ?

enter image description here

index.php line:346

    $projectContents .= '<li>'.$file.'</li>';


    $projectContents .= '<li> <a href="'.$file.'" >'.$file.'</a></li>';

Update Wamp Server version: 3.3.0

index.php line:547

... : '<li>'.$file.'</li>';


... : '<li><a href="'.$file.'" >'.$file.'</a></li>';


  • There's a solution that just requires right-clicking on the WAMP icon, go to "Tools" and click on "Invert default DBMS MariaDB <-> MySQL", that should work. It will set MySQL as a default engine, change the port numbers for you and restart the services all by itself.

    It is more efficient than the one you provided because the port number 3306 in WAMP Server is now reserved for the default MariaDB in all newer installations starting from v3.2.0. Therefore, you can no longer change the port number by selecting "Use a port other than xxxx" and you will get an error message. Even re-writing the .ini files doesn't get the job done, save the procedure I explained above.