What is the best approach to using reduce logic from multiple actions per render? This example shows a basic example of my current solution (creating a new action that combines the logic), but there must be a better way.
The basic example:
I am using useReducer from React, not Redux
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, {v1: 0, v2: 0});
Basic reducer that uses a new action that stacks the logic of the first two actions:
function reducer(state, action) {
const { type, payload: {v1, v2} } = action;
switch (type) {
case SET_V1:
return {...state, v1: setV1(v1)};
case SET_V2:
return {...state, v2: setV2(v2)};
case SET_V1_AND_V2:
return {...state, v1: setV1(v1), v2: setV2(v2)};
Reduce logic delegated to functions to standardise logic:
const setV1 = (v1) => v1;
const setV2 = (v2) => v2;
Thanks for your help
May this could help:
Related question Using Combine Reducer
const combineReducers = (slices) => (state, action) =>
Object.keys(slices).reduce( // use for..in loop, if you prefer it
(acc, prop) => ({
[prop]: slices[prop](acc[prop], action),