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Postman mockserver Adding Examples

Imagine a scenario where i have a "sales" endpoint. It can be further filtered on say by region i.e europe and america

Steps i followed

  1. I created mock server and created sales/{{customregion}} like shown below


2)named the mockser testms

3)now i click on the request and then click on Examples on top right . I rename default to europe and add another eg as america

enter image description here

  1. same way i created random json response sample for america as well

enter image description here

  1. Now my question is below If i mistype the endpoint i still get the result. Let's look at each case

Eg1) result as expected gives data configured for europe Same works for america as well i.e it gives results configured for america

Eg2)instead of europe i give europes and it still works ??eg below

enter image description here

Eg3) Same way i gave eurospe instead of europe and that worked too.

Eg4) only if i mistype it completely it gives below error which is correct

enter image description here

whole thing has got me a little confused. First how does {{customregion}} variable works and how it works even if there is a typo. But if misspelled, may be more than 1 character it gives an error. Can anyone please explain this in detail


  • In case of a mispelled route Postman tries to return the "closest" matching example route as a fallback. It is not possible to predict this deterministically.