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Access to errno from Python?

I am stuck with a fairly complex Python module that does not return useful error codes (it actually fails disturbingly silently). However, the underlying C library it calls sets errno.

Normally errno comes in over OSError attributes, but since I don't have an exception, I can't get at it.

Using ctypes, libc.errno doesn't work because errno is a macro in GNU libc. Python 2.6 has some affordances but Debian still uses Python 2.5. Inserting a C module into my pure Python program just to read errno disgusts me.

Is there some way to access errno? A Linux-only solution is fine, since the library being wrapped is Linux-only. I also don't have to worry about threads, as I'm only running one thread during the time in which this can fail.


  • Update: On Python 2.6+, use ctypes.get_errno().

    Python 2.5

    Belowed code is not reliable (or comprehensive, there are a plefora of ways errno could be defined) but it should get you started (or reconsider your position on a tiny extension module (after all on Debian python install or easy_install should have no problem to build it)). From

    if not hasattr(ctypes, 'get_errno'):
        # Python 2.5 or older
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            standard_c_lib._errno.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)
            def _where_is_errno():
                return standard_c_lib._errno()
        elif sys.platform in ('linux2', 'freebsd6'):
            standard_c_lib.__errno_location.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)
            def _where_is_errno():
                return standard_c_lib.__errno_location()
        elif sys.platform in ('darwin', 'freebsd7'):
            standard_c_lib.__error.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)
            def _where_is_errno():
                return standard_c_lib.__error()
        ctypes.get_errno = lambda: _where_is_errno().contents.value 

    Where standard_c_lib:

    def get_libc_name():
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            # Parses sys.version and deduces the version of the compiler
            import distutils.msvccompiler
            version = distutils.msvccompiler.get_build_version()
            if version is None:
                # This logic works with official builds of Python.
                if sys.version_info < (2, 4):
                    clibname = 'msvcrt'
                    clibname = 'msvcr71'
                if version <= 6:
                    clibname = 'msvcrt'
                    clibname = 'msvcr%d' % (version * 10)
            # If python was built with in debug mode
            import imp
            if imp.get_suffixes()[0][0] == '_d.pyd':
                clibname += 'd'
            return clibname+'.dll'
            return ctypes.util.find_library('c')
    # Make sure the name is determined during import, not at runtime
    libc_name = get_libc_name() 
    standard_c_lib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(get_libc_name())