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How to disable dispatcher cache on page template in AEM?

I have pages of template type "account" that brings a special header if some cookies are present. However when i delete the cookies and refresh the page, the special header is still there and only goes away when I republish the page. This is due the dispatcher. I want to disable the dispatcher on pages created from that template. I have seen that the dispatcher can be disabled with this code on JSP.

response.setHeader("Dispatcher", "no-cache");

But not sure where to use this on a non JSP project.


  • I found the answer on AEM forum, below:

    I quote the response from Manjunath_K:

    If you want to disable caching your pages in dispatcher, you can add rule in dispatcher config file as mentioned here.

    If you want handle this through AEM backend then below are the 2 options.

    1. To disable dispatcher caching the pages in which specific component is added, set response header in that specific component model class.

      @Model(adaptables = SlingHttpServletRequest.class, defaultInjectionStrategy = DefaultInjectionStrategy.OPTIONAL) public class ComponentModel {

       private SlingHttpServletResponse response;
       protected void init() {
           response.setHeader("Dispatcher", "no-cache");


    2. If you have this use case for specific pages not by specific component basis, then create common cache control model class & include call to that model class in page footer level based on page condition check.

    @Model(adaptables = SlingHttpServletRequest.class, defaultInjectionStrategy = DefaultInjectionStrategy.OPTIONAL) public class CacheControlModel {

    private SlingHttpServletResponse response;
    protected void init() {
        response.setHeader("Dispatcher", "no-cache");

