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How to test a class using Qt objects

I am writing unit tests for my Qt based application but I struggle to find the correct way to test the behavior of a class properly. I have a SystemDateTimeUpdater class that possesses a QProcess object to update the system time.

class SystemDateTimeUpdater : public QObject
  explicit SystemDateTimeUpdater(const QDateTime& dateTime, QObject* parent = nullptr)
    : QObject(parent), m_DateTime(dateTime)

  void updateSystemDateTime()
    QString dateTimeISO = m_DateTime.toString(Qt::DateFormat::ISODate);
    QStringList arguments;
    arguments << "--iso-8601"
              << "-s"
              << dateTimeISO;

    m_Process.start("/bin/date", arguments);
    emit notifyFinished();

  void notifyFinished();
  void notifySuccess();

  QProcess m_Process;
  QDateTime m_DateTime;

  void connects(QProcess &process)
    connect(&process, QOverload<int, QProcess::ExitStatus>::of(&QProcess::finished),
            this, [this](int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus)
      if (exitStatus == QProcess::NormalExit && exitCode == 0)
        emit notifySuccess();

Of course, I don't want that my class under test tries to update the system datetime. I have two naive ideas in mind.

The first is to inject an utility class that manages system paths. I can then mock this dependency and use QProcess to start a script that simply returns 0 to simulate success. That seems like an awkward solution to me, though.

The second idea I had is to inject the QProcess itself to loosen the coupling with my class. But I'm not entirely satisfied with this idea either. I would need to hide the QProcess behind an interface of my own in order to be able to mock it properly. If I have to do the same kind of work for every non trivial Qt class (eg. I use QDbus to monitor the battery), it seems like a lot of work and I'm sure there's some better way to do it. Moreover, if I multiply dependency injections, I am wondering how to manage that many dependencies for my classes. Should I have some kind of factory that relays ownership to the calling class? I suppose that's a whole different topic but I am still wondering about this.

I would be happy to read your input on this.


  • So, here's what I went for.

    I made the QProcess be instantiated (could also have been a class member) by a Process class that inherits from an interface IProcess. My SystemDateTimeUpdater holds a pointer to the interface. Basically, I have:

    class IProcess : public QObject
      explicit IProcess(QObject* parent = nullptr) : QObject(parent) {};
      virtual ~IProcess() {};
      virtual void start(const QString& program, const QStringList& arguments = QStringList()) = 0;
      void notifyStarted();
      void notifyFinished(bool success);
    class Process : public IProcess
      explicit Process(QObject* parent = nullptr) : IProcess(parent)
      virtual ~Process() {};
      void start(const QString& program, const QStringList& arguments = QStringList()) override
        QProcess* process = new QProcess(this);
        QObject::connect(process, &QProcess::started, this, &Process::notifyStarted);
        QObject::connect(process, QOverload<int, QProcess::ExitStatus>::of(&QProcess::finished),
                         this, [=](int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus)
          if (exitStatus == QProcess::NormalExit && exitCode == 0)
            emit notifyFinished(true);
            emit notifyFinished(false);
        QObject::connect(process, &QProcess::errorOccurred,
                         this, [=](){ qWarning() << process->errorString(); });
        process->start(program, arguments);
    class SystemDateTimeUpdater : public QObject
      explicit SystemDateTimeUpdater(const QDateTime& dateTime, QObject* parent = nullptr)
        : QObject(parent), m_DateTime(dateTime)
      void start()
        if (isValid()) // private function that checks that the members are valid
      void setProcess(IProcess* process)
            delete m_Process;
        QObject::connect(process, &IProcess::notifyFinished, this, &ISystemDateTimeUpdater::notifyUpdateFinished);
        m_Process = process;
      void updateSystemDateTime()
            qWarning() << "Process is nullptr. Abort update.";
        QString dateTimeISO = m_DateTime.toString(Qt::DateFormat::ISODate);
        QStringList arguments;
        arguments << "--iso-8601"
                  << "-s"
                  << dateTimeISO;
        m_Process->start("my/date/command/path", arguments);
      void notifyUpdateFinished(bool success);
      IProcess* m_Process;
      QDateTime m_DateTime;

    Now before calling the start function I need to set a process from some place.

      // My object has previously been initialized
      systemDateTimeUpater->setProcess(new Process); //systemDateTimeUpdater takes ownership of this ptr

    I can easily mock it with gmock using the interface.

    class MockProcess : public IProcess
      MOCK_METHOD(void, start, (const QString& program, const QStringList& arguments), (override));

    Here's two basic tests using the mock object.

    TEST(SystemDateTimeUpdaterTest, StartSucceeds)
      SystemDateTimeUpdater updater(QDateTime(QDate(1992,7,17), QTime(7,45)));
      MockProcess process;
      EXPECT_CALL(process, start)
              .WillOnce([&process](){ emit process.notifyFinished(true); });
      QSignalSpy finishedSpy(&updater, &SystemDateTimeUpdater::notifyUpdateFinished);
      ASSERT_EQ(finishedSpy.count(), 1);
    TEST(SystemDateTimeUpdaterTest, SetProcessObjectTakesOwnership)
        SystemDateTimeUpdater updater(QDateTime(QDate(1992,7,17), QTime(7,45)));
        MockProcess* process = new MockProcess;
        EXPECT_EQ(process->parent(), &updater);