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Indenting a sub-category in FOR XML PATH in SQL Server?

I need to export data from SQL Server into an XML file. I know how to output to a text file, but I'm having difficulty with the XML formatting.

Sample Data:

CREATE TABLE dbo.testdata (accountid varchar(100),
                           activeaccount bit,
                           text1 varchar(100),
                           text2 varchar(100))

INSERT INTO dbo.testdata VALUES ('T00000001',0,'Fish' ,'Blue'),
                                ('T00000002',1,'Bread','Red' ),

My XML export code:

SELECT accountid AS '@ID',
  FROM dbo.testdata
FOR XML PATH ('acccountid'), root ('detail')

The output of that export:

   <acccountid ID="T00000001">
   <acccountid ID="T00000002">
   <acccountid ID="T00000003">

What I want is for the "text1" and "text2" fields to be indented into a sub-category of accountid, named "preferences", so the output would look like this:

   <acccountid ID="T00000001">
   <acccountid ID="T00000002">
   <acccountid ID="T00000003">

This should be obvious but everything I try in the FOR XML PATH command is putting the fields in the wrong order, not working at all or adding extra stuff where I don't want it. Driving me slightly crazy.


  • One method would be to define it in the alias of the column:

    SELECT accountid AS '@ID',
           text1 AS [preferences/text1],
           text2 AS [preferences/text2]
      FROM dbo.testdata
    FOR XML PATH ('acccountid'), root ('detail');