So I am less than 1 week into learning JS and I've been trying to find a solution but other than an answer involving functions and something to do with JSON.stringify (which I don't understand) I cannot seem to find one. Rather than using string concatenation when iterating over this object I want to use template literals to display specific information from each property. Is that possible?
pokemonList = [
{name: 'Bulbasur', height: 70, weight: 15.2, type: ['grass','poison']},
{name: 'Charmander', height: 60, weight: 18.7, type: ['fire']},
{name: 'Squirtle', height: 50, weight: 19.8, type: ['water']}
for (let i=0; i < pokemonList.length; i++) {
console.log(`${[i]} ${pokemonList.height[i]}`);
You definitely can! You just need to change[i]
to pokemonList[i].name
The pokemonList
is the one that has elements within it, so you use pokemonList[i]
to access an element within it, and then pokemonList[i].name
will give you the name property of that element.
Here's the fixed code:
pokemonList = [
{name: 'Bulbasur', height: 70, weight: 15.2, type: ['grass','poison']},
{name: 'Charmander', height: 60, weight: 18.7, type: ['fire']},
{name: 'Squirtle', height: 50, weight: 19.8, type: ['water']}
for (let i=0; i < pokemonList.length; i++) {
console.log(`${pokemonList[i].name} ${pokemonList[i].height}`);
on the other hand will print the entire object as a string, and it will look similar to how it looks in the list above within your code:
pokemonList = [
{name: 'Bulbasur', height: 70, weight: 15.2, type: ['grass','poison']},
{name: 'Charmander', height: 60, weight: 18.7, type: ['fire']},
{name: 'Squirtle', height: 50, weight: 19.8, type: ['water']}
for (let i=0; i < pokemonList.length; i++) {