If i have a web app in Azure, with ApplicationInsights configured, is there a way we can tell if there was an increase in the number of requests to a given page?
I know we can get the "Delta" of performance in a given time slice, compared to the previous period, but doesn't seem like we can do this for requests?
For example, i'd like to answer questions like: "what pages in the last hour had the highest % increase in requests, compared to the previous period"?
Does anyone know how to do this, or can it be done via the AppInsights query language?
Not sure whether it can be done using the Portal, I don't think so. But I came up with the following Kusto query:
| where timestamp > ago(2h) and timestamp < ago(1h)
| summarize previousPeriod = todouble(count()) by url
| join (
| where timestamp > ago(1h)
| summarize lastHour = todouble(count()) by url
) on url
| project url, previousPeriod, lastHour, change = ((lastHour - previousPeriod) / previousPeriod) * 100
| order by change desc
This is about increase/decrease of amount of traffic per url, you can change count()
to for example avg(duration)
to get the increase/decrease of the average duration.