I have the following C++14 lambda
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
int main(){
auto foo = [](auto && t)
using T = decltype(t);
return boost::optional<T>(std::forward<T>(t));
// This is fine because i is lvalue
auto i = 10;
// This fails because i is rvalue
First note that boost::optional can contain lvalue references but not rvalue references.
Is it possible with the above generic lambda to handle the rvalue as a copy. What I'd like is something clever like
using T = std::decay_if_rvalue<decltype(t)>::type
Is there something out of the box that does this ?
You could use std::is_rvalue_reference
together with std::conditional
, both from the <type_traits>
auto foo = [](auto && t)
using Orig = decltype(t);
using T = std::conditional_t<std::is_rvalue_reference<Orig>::value,
std::decay_t<Orig>, Orig>;
return boost::optional<T>(std::forward<T>(t));